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Spring starts, bears are awake and we start next trapping season

news10 bears-awake-in-Tatras Both in the Tatras, and in the Bieszczady Mountains bears slowly wake up from their winter sleep and leave gawry. Therefore, GLOBE project team has already started the next trapping season in the Bieszczady Mountains. Like during the last trapping season in the fall of 2014, Prof. Djuro Huber (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia) and Jacek Ficek (DVM) have joined our team and support us with their knowledge and experience. We hope that also this time we will learn more about the Carpathian bears. news10 spring capture team 2015

Just to remind, that while hiking in springtime in the Tatras and in the Bieszczady one can meet a bear awaken from the winter sleep. One should try to keep calm, try not to disturb the animal and go in the opposite direction. 

Photo by Nuria Selva, Tomasz Zwijacz-Kozica